Answer: EURO
EURO is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted over 20 times. There are related answers (shown below). Try defining EURO with Google.
Referring crossword puzzle clues
- Lament
- Capital of Latvia
- Continental currency
- Continental coin
- Nil
- Latvian capital
- Continental cash
- Monetary unit
- Mark's replacement
- Continental money
- Prefix with centric
- Foreign currency
- Money in Italy
- Marsupial
- Franc replacement
- Capital of Italy
- Continental capital
- French coin
- Kind of market
- 100 cents
- Money in France
- Dollar competitor
- Italian money
- German cabbage?
- French bread
- Money in Spain
- Mark's successor
- Italian coin
- Continental prefix
- Money in Milan
- Greek capital
- Franc's replacement
- Dollar rival
- Large kangaroo
- Lira replacement
- Money in Madrid
- French bread?
- Franc replacer
- Italian currency
- Italian capital
- Mark replacement
- Italian bread
- Capital of France
- Modern money
- Maltese money
- Spanish coin
- Multinational money
- Continental dollar
- Multinational currency
- Money in Monaco
- Money in Malta
- Kind of bond
- French money
- Currency abroad
- Capital of Germany?
- Modern-day money
- Wallaroo
- Successor of the mark
- International money
- Cannes cash
- 100 cents, abroad
- Replacer of the franc
- Prefix with vision
- Overseas currency unit
- New currency on the Continent
- Money in Spain and France
- Lira's replacement
- Greek coin
- French currency
- Franc successor
- Capital of Belgium
- Widely used currency
- Prefix with dollars
- Prefix with bond or dollar
- Post-mark tender
- New money
- Milan money
- Malta money
- Kind of dollar
- It helped eliminate some pounds
- Currency since 1999
- Currency on the Continent
- Cannes coin
- Vatican City currency
- Peseta successor
- Overseas money
- Money on the Continent
- Mark successor
- Italian bread?
- It's spent in Spain
- It replaced the drachma
- Greek currency
- German coin
- German capital
- Currency in Italy
- Currency in France
- Cologne coin
- Coin in Cannes
- Capital of Portugal
- A buck abroad
- 21st-century currency
- Prefix for Disney
- Portuguese coin
- Peseta's replacement
- Peseta replacer
- Overseas currency
- Note from abroad
- New coin of 2002
- Multinational monetary unit
- Mark alternative
- Kind of dollars
- It replaced the mark
- It replaced the lira in 2002
- It replaced the franc
- Irish capital
- International currency whose symbol is €
- Guilder's replacement
- Franc's successor
- Finnish coin
- Drachma replacer
- Currency in Germany
- Currency in Cologne
- 100 cents, in some places
- Vatican City coin
- Two-tone coin
- Tip of Italy
- Prefix with dollar
- Overseas union unit
- Multinational coin
- Money since 2002
- Money in Munich
- Money in France and Spain
- Monaco money
- Modern Old World money
- Modern coin
- Mark's follower
- Karaoke gear
- German currency
- French franc successor
- Dollar overseas
- Cyprus currency
- Continental monetary unit
- Cologne currency
- Coin that debuted on 1/1/02
- Coin since 2002
- Capital of Italy?
- 100-cent unit
- 100-cent currency
- 100 cents, in France
- 100 cents, in Cyprus
- Trevi Fountain coin
- Transnational currency
- Tender in France
- Spain's peseta successor
- Prefix with zone
- Prefix with bond
- Prefix for dollars
- Portuguese money
- Overseas exchange
- New money on the Continent
- Money, in many languages
- Money in Spain or France
- Monetary unit of Cyprus
- Monetary unit introduced in 1999
- Modern-day coin
- Mark replacer
- Maltese coin
- Madrid money
- Lira replacer
- Köln coin
- It's worth about a dollar
- It's worth 100 cents
- Helsinki coin
- German dollar
- German bread
- Foreign money
- Eurozone currency
- Element of change, overseas
- Dublin money
- Dollar prefix
- Disney prefix
- Currency named for a continent
- Currency named after a continent
- Currency in Portugal
- Currency in Latvia
- Currency in France and Spain
- Currency in Cyprus
- Currency in Cannes
- Cordoba cash
- Continental exchange
- Common currency
- Coin with national sides
- Coin with a map on one side
- Coin with 12 stars on it
- Coin on the Continent
- Coin introduced on 1/1/99
- Coin in Spain
- Coin in France
- Coin in circulation since 2002
- Coin across the Atlantic
- Change for Chirac
- Cash on the Continent
- Capital of France?
- Capital of Estonia
- Calais coin
- Buck, in Bordeaux
- Buck in Bordeaux
- Austrian coin
- 100 cents, in Spain
- 100 cents, in Europe
- Tender on the Continent
- Start for dollar or Disney
- Spanish currency unit
- Spanish currency
- Spanish bread
- Shared currency
- Roman metro fare
- Replacement unit of 1999
- Reddish-gray kangaroo
- Prefix with market
- Prefix with Disney
- Prefix with ''bond'' or ''dollar''
- Prefix for "dollar"
- Prefix for "centrism"
- Post-mark unit
- Post-mark currency
- Post-lira currency
- Paris payment
- One dollar, in some places
- Note from France?
- New Old World money
- New money?
- New coin in the Old World
- Multinational currency since 2002
- Multi-national currency
- Multi-country dough
- Most-traded currency after the dollar
- Moolah in Malta
- Money in wide circulation
- Money in Slovenia
- Money in Portugal
- Money in Marseille
- Money in la banque
- Money in Italy and France
- Money abroad
- Marseilles money
- Markka's replacement
- Markka supplanter
- Mark supplanter
- Maltese moolah
- Lira's successor
- Lira successor
- Legal tender since 1999
- Latvian currency
- Kangaroo
- Italian cabbage?
- It's used by some who miss the mark?
- It's about a buck
- It replaced the lira
- It replaced the French franc
- It replaced the Belgian franc
- It made the peseta passé
- It gets more bang than the buck
- Irish money
- Irish currency
- International monetary unit
- International currency introduced in 2002
- French or Italian bread?
- French or Italian bread
- French money, now
- French dough
- French cabbage
- Franc's replacer
- Foreign exchange unit
- Finnish money
- European currency unit
- European currency
- EU currency
- Drachma's replacement
- Drachma successor
- Drachma replacement
- Drachma displacer
- Dough in Dusseldorf
- Dollar, somewhere
- Dollar, abroad
- Dollar in Germany
- Dollar counterpart
- Disney opener
- Denoting Europe
- Currency with a 20-cent coin
- Currency used in Germany and France
- Currency used in France and Germany
- Currency used in France
- Currency symbolized by €
- Currency of Germany
- Currency of France or Italy
- Currency introduced in 1999
- Currency in Spain
- Currency in Malta
- Currency in France and Finland
- Currency in Finland
- Currency in Croatia
- Currency in Belgium
- Currency in Austria
- Currency for 19 countries
- Croatian coin
- Continental tender
- Continental dough
- Continental capital?
- Continental "dollar"
- Contemporary coin
- Coin with a national side
- Coin that debuted on Jan 1, 2002
- Coin of the Continent
- Coin of Spain
- Coin of many countries
- Coin introduced in 2002
- Coin in Spain or France
- Coin in Italy and France
- Coin in Italy
- Coin in Croatia
- Coin featuring a Maltese cross
- Certain dollar
- Certain currency
- Certain coin
- Cash in France
- Capital of Malta
- Capital of Latvia?
- Cannes currency
- Calais currency
- Buck in the news
- Buck in Europe
- Buck abroad
- Bond or market start
- Bologna buck
- Bit of Greek cabbage?
- Bicolored coin
- Bicolor coin
- Belgian capital
- A buck, in places
- 100 cents, somewhere
- 100 cents, perhaps
- 100 cents, for some
- 100 cents, across the ocean
- 100 cents in Spain
- ____ dollar
- ___ Disney Resort (original name of Disneyland Paris)
- ___ Disney (former name of Disneyland Paris)
- You can spend it in many places
- You can buy one for about $1.30
- Word that can precede the first parts of this puzzle's theme answers
- Word form before dollar or mart
- Word before Disney, once
- What's a little more than a pound these days
- What has made some people miss the mark?
- What followed the franc
- Vision prefix
- Vienna coin
- Vatican City capital
- Unit of currency in Germany
- Unit of cash in Malta
- Type of dollar
- Tipperary tip jar coin
- Tip of the Alps?
- Tip of Italy?
- Tip of France?
- The world's second most traded currency
- The symbol for it on a Mac is made by typing Option-Shift-2
- The so-called "single currency"
- Symbol that Mac users get by pressing Option + Shift + 2
- Symbol gotten by typing Option+Shift+2
- Symbol gotten by typing Ctrl+Alt+E, in Microsoft Word
- Successor to the mark and franc
- Successor of the mark and markka
- Successor of the German mark
- Successor of the franc
- Successor of the four long answers
- Start to pop?
- Speculator's target
- Spanish tender
- Spanish or French coin
- Spanish dinero
- Slovenian currency
- Slovenian coin
- Slovenia capital
- Slovenia adopted it in 2007
- Slovakian money
- Slovakian currency
- Slovak coin
- Shared currency unit
- Setting for a portrait of Mozart, or Francis, or Felipe, . . .
- Second-most traded currency worldwide
- Second-most traded currency (after the US dollar)
- Second most traded world currency
- Schilling supplanter
- Schilling successor
- Schilling replacement in 2002
- Reunion Island money
- Replacement for the mark, franc and lira
- Replacement for the mark and franc
- Replacement for the lira and mark
- Replacement for the franc and mark
- Recent change in change
- Prefix with zone or trash
- Prefix with zone or pop
- Prefix with zone and skeptic
- Prefix with vision or Disney
- Prefix with trash and Disney
- Prefix with trash
- Prefix with skeptic
- Prefix with pop or zone
- Prefix with pop
- Prefix with dollars or trash
- Prefix with dollar or trash
- Prefix with Disney or dollar
- Prefix with bond or market
- Prefix with bank or dollar
- Prefix with "trash"
- Prefix with ''dollar''
- Prefix for dollar or Disney
- Prefix for dollar
- Post-peseta currency
- Pisa dough?
- Piece of French bread?
- Piece of dough in a French restaurant?
- Peseta replacement
- Parisian currency
- Paris currency
- Overseas dollar
- Overseas currency since 2002
- Overseas coin
- Overseas capital
- One featuring a Maltese cross
- Official currency of Vatican City
- Official currency of Greece and Germany
- Official currency of Germany and Italy
- Official currency of 20 countries
- Of the European continent
- Of a continent: Prefix
- Note with Latin, Greek and Cyrillic writing
- Note with architectural designs
- Note with a national face
- Note with a classical architectural design
- Note used in Naples
- Note first used on 1/1/2002
- Note across the ocean?
- Not exactly old money
- Nice bit of cash?
- Newly minted money
- Newly coined coin
- Newish money on the Continent
- Newish money
- New money in the Old World
- New money in '99
- New money for Estonia
- New exchange
- New currency in the Old World
- New currency abroad
- New currency
- New coin
- New circulator of 2002
- Multiple-country money
- Multinational official currency
- Multinational form of currency
- Multinational currency introduced in 2002
- Multination money
- Multi-nation currency
- Montenegro money
- Money, in Milan
- Money worth about $1.10
- Money used by about two dozen countries
- Money succeeding the mark
- Money spent on a backpacking trip, perhaps
- Money spent in Milan
- Money of the Continent
- Money of many
- Money of France
- Money in the making
- Money in Spain and Italy
- Money in Seville
- Money in Montenegro
- Money in Milan and Madrid
- Money in Madrid and Milan
- Money in Madrid and Marseille
- Money in Italy, these days
- Money in Italy or Spain
- Money in Italy or France
- Money in Italy and Spain
- Money in Italy and Germany
- Money in Cyprus
- Money at a French cafe
- Money at a casa de cambio
- Monetary unit since Jan. 1, 1999
- Monetary unit since 1999
- Monetary unit of Slovenia
- Monetary unit of France
- Monetary unit in Spain and France
- Monetary unit in Ireland
- Monetary unit in France and Germany
- Monaco money, e.g.
- Modern prefix with skeptic
- Milan moolah
- Milan money, now
- Milan money, e.g.
- Menton money
- Mediterranean currency, e.g.
- Market opener?
- Mark's successor in 2002
- Mark's replacement?
- Mark's replacement, e.g.
- Mark remover?
- Mark and franc's replacement
- Mark and franc replacer
- Maltese money since '08
- Maltese lira replacement
- Maltese dough
- Maltese currency
- Malta's currency
- Malta adopted it in 2008
- Lithuanian currency
- Lithuanian adoption of 2015
- Lithuania's new coin
- Lisbon coin
- Lead-in to zone
- Lead-in to pop or pass
- Lead-in for "vision" or "zone"
- Latvian lucre
- Latvia's new money
- Kroon's replacement
- Kosovo currency
- Kind of bonds or dollars
- Jack for Jacques?
- Its symbol was inspired by the epsilon
- Its symbol resembles a C with two lines across the center
- Its symbol looks like an equal sign through a C
- Its banknotes are made of cotton fiber
- Its 50 is getting a redesign in 2017
- Italy's features Leonardo's Vitruvian Man
- Italy's features an image of Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man"
- Italian money, today ...
- Italian money that replaced the lira
- Italian money since 2002
- Italian lira replacement
- Italian dough?
- Italian currency, currently
- Italian capital?
- It's worth more than a pound
- It's worth around a dollar
- It's worth a little more than a dollar
- It's somewhat less than a pound
- It's roughly $1.29
- It's replacing the lira
- It's often just under a pound
- It's made of cents
- It's highest note is 500
- It's a little less than a pound
- It's a bit over a buck
- It replaced the Slovak koruna on 1/1/2009
- It replaced the punt in Ireland
- It replaced the Italian lira and Spanish peseta
- It replaced the franc and mark
- It replaced the Estonian kroon
- It replaced the Cypriot pound
- It may be before dollar or market
- It made its debut in 2002
- It has paper denominations from 5 to 500
- It followed the franc
- It equals 100 cents
- It entered circulation in 2002
- It costs a bit over a buck
- It can be spent in Spain
- Irish pound's replacement
- Irish pound successor
- Irish green?
- Irish coin
- Irish cheddar?
- Irish bill
- Ireland's features a depiction of a harp
- Ireland's features a Celtic harp design
- International currency unit
- International currency
- International coin
- International bread
- Helsinki dough
- Hamburger's bread?
- Guilder's successor
- Guilder replacer
- Greek gratuity, perhaps
- Greek drachma's successor
- Greek currency (Editor's Note: review clue in six months)
- Greece note
- Gray kangaroo
- German mark's replacement
- German mark successor
- German mark replacement
- German and French currency
- French or Italian coin
- French or German currency
- French cash
- French "bread" or Swiss "cheddar"
- France's currency
- Franc's follower
- Franc superseder
- Franc follower, in France
- Franc exchange
- Foreign exchange
- Focus of the central bank in Frankfurt
- Finnish currency
- EU money
- Estonian currency, as of January 1, 2011
- Estonian currency as of Jan. 1, 2011
- Estonia's new money
- Escudo replacer
- ECM monetary unit
- Dutch or Spanish coin
- Dutch guilder's replacement
- Dutch guilder successor
- Dusseldorf currency
- Dublin dough
- Drachma's successor
- Dough used by Italian bakers
- Dollar's counterpart in Spain and France
- Dollar, to some
- Dollar, in some places
- Dollar, elsewhere
- Dollar relative
- Dollar opening
- Dollar coin
- Deutsche mark replacer
- Denmark dough
- Denmark doesn't use it
- D-Mark successor
- Cyprus coin
- Cypriot's coin or bill
- Current Italian currency
- Current currency, for many
- Current currency
- Current Continental currency
- Currency worth about $1.10
- Currency worth a little over a dollar
- Currency with eight different coins
- Currency with a "zone"
- Currency whose symbol is based on the letter epsilon
- Currency whose name caused several linguistic problems for its users
- Currency used in the continent that shares its first four letters
- Currency used in Spain and Italy
- Currency used in Spain and Germany
- Currency used in Portugal
- Currency used in Latvia, Lithuania, and more than 20 other countries
- Currency unit worth a little more than a dollar
- Currency that's used by most of one continent
- Currency that replaced the Spanish peseta and the Italian lira
- Currency that replaced the peseta
- Currency that replaced the French franc, the Spanish peseta, the Italian lira, and 15 others
- Currency that replaced the French franc and the Italian lira
- Currency that replaced the French franc and German mark
- Currency that replaced the drachma
- Currency that replaced the Cypriot pound
- Currency that replaced France's franc
- Currency that represents
- Currency symbolized by
- Currency signified as
- Currency shared by 18 countries, including Spain and Greece
- Currency roughly equal to the dollar
- Currency replacing the mark, franc, lira, etc.
- Currency recently in crisis
- Currency or dollar leader
- Currency of Spain and Portugal
- Currency of Spain
- Currency of Slovakia and Slovenia
- Currency of Italy or France
- Currency of Italy and Ireland
- Currency of Ireland and Italy
- Currency of Ireland and France
- Currency of Ireland and Finland
- Currency of Ireland
- Currency of Greece and France
- Currency of Germany or Greece
- Currency of Germany and Portugal
- Currency of France, Spain, and Italy
- Currency of France and Ireland
- Currency of France and Germany
- Currency of France
- Currency of Cannes, Córdoba and Cologne
- Currency of Cannes and Cologne
- Currency of Belgium
- Currency of Austria and Germany
- Currency of 19 nations
- Currency launched by 11 countries in 1999
- Currency in Strasbourg
- Currency in Spain, France, and Germany
- Currency in Spain and Slovenia
- Currency in Spain and Lithuania
- Currency in Rome and Paris
- Currency in Portugal and Spain
- Currency in Montenegro
- Currency in Milan
- Currency in Madrid and Milan
- Currency in Lithuania
- Currency in Lisbon
- Currency in Italy and Spain
- Currency in Italy and Ireland
- Currency in Ireland
- Currency in Helsinki
- Currency in Greece and Germany
- Currency in Greece
- Currency in Germany (and many other countries on the same continent)
- Currency in Estonia
- Currency in crisis
- Currency in Cannes and Cologne
- Currency in Brussels
- Currency in Berlin
- Currency in Athens and Zagreb
- Currency in Amsterdam
- Currency foreign to the U.S.
- Currency for many Member States
- Currency for 20 countries
- Currency for 19 states
- Currency established by the Maastricht Treaty
- Currency currently used by 26 countries
- Currency currently used by 24 countries
- Currency created through the Maastricht Treaty
- Currency across the Pond
- Currency accepted at the Louvre gift shop
- Croatian currency since 2023
- Croatian currency
- Croatia's currency
- Croatia cash as of 2023
- Crete currency
- Crete coin
- Cretan money
- Cretan currency
- Costa del Sol coin
- Continentalcash
- Continental payment
- Continental money unit
- Continental currency unit
- Continental currency since 2002
- Concerning Europe
- Companion of Afro-
- Common currency unit
- Commercial lead-in to pass
- Combining form for a continent
- Coin with twelve stars on each side
- Coin with twelve stars
- Coin with Mozart on it
- Coin with a map on the front
- Coin with a map on its reverse
- Coin with a map on its back
- Coin with a map
- Coin with a gold-colored outer ring
- Coin with a da Vinci drawing
- Coin with a Continental map
- Coin with a continent on it
- Coin with a common side and a national side
- Coin with a brass border
- Coin with 12 stars on one side
- Coin with 12 stars on its reverse side
- Coin with 12 stars on both the front and back
- Coin with 12 stars
- Coin whose one side depicts a continent
- Coin whose front varies by country
- Coin whose face depicts a continent
- Coin used in Italy and France
- Coin that's been legal tender since New Year's Day in 2002
- Coin that's been around for more than half a decade
- Coin that replaced the lira and the franc
- Coin that may feature the Vitruvian Man
- Coin that equals 100 cents
- Coin that debuted in 2002
- Coin spent in Spain
- Coin released 1/1/02
- Coin of Italy or Spain
- Coin of Germany and Greece
- Coin of France or Spain
- Coin of France and Spain
- Coin of France
- Coin of a gold-and-silver color
- Coin named for a continent
- Coin issued in 2002
- Coin in the Trevi Fountain
- Coin in Spain or Italy
- Coin in Spain and Italy
- Coin in Rome
- Coin in Paris
- Coin in Madrid or Milan
- Coin in Madrid or Marseille
- Coin in Lisbon or Leipzig
- Coin in Latvia
- Coin in Köln
- Coin in Helsinki
- Coin in France or Germany
- Coin in France and Spain
- Coin in France and Italy
- Coin in Cologne
- Coin in Catania
- Coin in Brussels or Berlin
- Coin from overseas
- Coin featuring Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man
- Coin featuring Francis
- Coin featuring Benedict XVI
- Coin depicting a harp, perhaps
- Coin debut of 2002
- Change in the European Union?
- Change at Frankfurt
- Certain 100 cents
- Catania cash
- Catalan cash
- Castile currency
- Cash in Spain or France
- Cash in Spain and France
- Carrara currency
- Capital of multiple countries
- Capital of Helsinki
- Capital of both Slovakia and Slovenia
- Capital of 20 countries
- Capital of 19 countries
- Cannes tender
- Canary Islands currency
- Buck overseas?
- Brussels bread
- Brescia bill
- Bread in Brussels
- Bread for a Bologna sandwich?
- Bread common to many countries
- Bratislavan currency
- Bond or mart start
- Bologna bread?
- Berlin currency
- Belgian currency
- Belgian coin
- Belgian bread
- Belgian bill
- Basic monetary unit for 19 countries
- Banque currency
- Austrian currency
- Aussie kangaroo
- Athens currency
- Alternative to a pound
- About $1.5, right now
- A kangaroo
- A dollar, in some places
- 5-to-500 currency
- 5-to-500 banknote
- 21-year-old currency
- 1999 currency debut
- 15-year-old international currency
- 100-cent unit, on the continent
- 100 Spanish cents
- 100 German cents
- 100 cents, overseas
- 100 cents, in Sicily
- 100 cents, in Italy
- 100 cents, in Germany
- 100 cents, in Cork
- 100 cents, in certain lands
- 100 cents, at times
- ___-dollars
- ____-Disney
- ____ dollars
- ____ Disney
- ____ -Disney
- ___ step (basketball move)
- ___ Disney (earlier name of Disneyland Paris)
- ___ Disney
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- USA Today - Feb. 14, 2025
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- WSJ Daily - Jan. 23, 2025
- Universal Crossword - Jan. 23, 2025
- Penny Dell - Jan. 23, 2025
- USA Today - Jan. 22, 2025
- Newsday - Jan. 19, 2025
- Newsday - Jan. 14, 2025
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