Answer: NOR
NOR is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted over 20 times. There are related answers (shown below). Try defining NOR with Google.
Referring crossword puzzle clues
- Neither's partner
- And not
- Choice word
- Neither mate
- Neither partner
- Negative conjunction
- Negative link
- "... ___ a lender be"
- Conjunction
- Common conjunction
- Neither here ___ there
- Eur. country
- Likewise not
- Hide-hair link
- Scand. land
- Direction: Abbr.
- Neither follower
- Negative word
- NATO member
- Hide-hair connector
- Here-there link
- Neither
- Easter preceder
- Postal creed word
- Neither here __ there
- Easter lead-in
- Clause connector
- Partner of neither
- Negating word
- Fish-fowl link
- Neither this ___ that
- Neither companion
- Correlative
- Neither fish ___ fowl
- Neither's companion
- Hide ___ hair
- Eur. land
- Connective
- Neither's mate
- Negative connector
- Here-there connector
- Here-there connection
- "Neither a borrower ___ a lender be"
- Not either
- Logician's word
- ___'easter
- Postal motto word
- Logical connector
- Fish-fowl connector
- "That's neither here ___ there"
- Word paired with "neither"
- "Neither snow ___ rain ..."
- Love ___ money
- Scand. country
- ". . . __ iron bars a cage"
- Partner of "neither"
- Part 8 of today's quote
- Swed. neighbor
- Neither's go-with
- Hide ____ hair
- Fin. neighbor
- Word in the Postal Service creed
- Neither hide ___ hair
- Neighbor of Den.
- Negating link
- Fish-fowl insert
- Neither/___
- Neither rhyme ___ reason
- Clause negator
- Postal motto conjunction
- Neighbor of Swed.
- Negative joiner
- Easter precursor
- Connecting word
- Boolean operator
- Also not
- "Neither" go-with
- "Neither snow ___ rain . . ."
- "___ any drop to drink": Coleridge
- ___'wester
- Word of exception
- Winter Olympics powerhouse: Abbr.
- Postal creed conjunction
- Neither's counterpart
- Neither go-with
- Neither fish __ fowl
- Negative connective
- Negative connection
- Negating conjunction
- Member of NATO
- It goes with "neither"
- Eur. kingdom
- Swe. neighbor
- Scand. nation
- Here-there separator
- Easter prefix
- Easter preceder?
- "This is neither the time ___ the place"
- "I can neither confirm ___ deny ..."
- "... fish ___ fowl"
- Snow-rain-heat-gloom connector
- Postal oath word
- Oslo's land: Abbr.
- Neither partner?
- Neither counterpart
- Neighbor of Swe.
- It's often seen between here and there
- Here/there connector
- Fish-fowl filler
- Boolean logic operator
- "Neither" partner
- "... neither the time ___ the place"
- "... a borrower ___ a lender be"
- "... ___ gloom of night ..."
- ". . . ___ a lender be"
- "___ any drop to drink"
- "__ any drop to drink": Coleridge
- Word with "neither"
- Word between here and there
- Ray Charles "Hide ___ Hair"
- Part of Scand.
- Neither's tagalong
- Neither's pal
- Neither relative
- Neither here ... there
- Neighbor of Fin.
- Negative linking word
- NATO member: Abbr.
- Mail motto word
- Land on the Arctic Cir.
- It may be between here and there
- Hide-hair connection
- Fish ___ fowl
- Easter's beginning
- Easter starter
- Correlative conjunction
- "Neither snow ___ rain..."
- "Neither fish ___ fowl"
- "Conjunction Junction" word
- "... see hide ___ hair of"
- "... borrower ___ a lender be"
- "... ___ any drop to drink"
- ". . . borrower ___ a lender be"
- "___ iron bars a cage"
- __'easter
- Word with neither
- Word typically used with "neither"
- Word paired with neither
- Word often paired with "neither"
- Word of logic
- Snow-rain or rain-heat connection
- Scandinavian country: Abbr.
- Scand. kingdom
- Postal credo word
- Oslo's country: Abbr.
- Neither's follower
- Neither here -- there
- Neighbor of Russ.
- Negative correlative
- Nada Surf "Neither Heaven ___ Space"
- Hide -- hair
- Hide __ hair
- Follower of neither
- Fish-fowl go-between
- Fish-fowl connection
- European lang.
- Easter opening?
- Easter beginning?
- Country in Eur.
- Coordinating conjunction
- Connective word
- Conjunction.
- Confirm-deny link
- Billy Bragg "Rule ___ Reason"
- "Neither" counterpart
- "Neither snow __ rain ... "
- "Conjunction Junction" conjunction
- "...___ gloom of night..."
- "...___ a lender be"
- "... ___ gloom of night"
- ". . . heat, ___ gloom of night . . ."
- ". . . ___ gloom of night . . ."
- ". . . __ any drop to drink"
- ". . . __ a lender be"
- "___ gloom of night ..."
- " ___ any drop to drink"
- Word with ''neither''
- Word used with "neither"
- Word often with "neither"
- Word often seen with neither
- Word found at Conjunction Junction
- Word after neither
- Taylor Hicks "Hide ___ Hair"
- Scan. land
- Sarah Jarosz "Here ___ There"
- Rus. neighbor
- Preceder of easter
- Postal-oath word
- Postal-creed word
- Post Office motto word
- One of a pair of conjunctions
- Neithers partner
- Neither this ... that
- Neither fish --- fowl
- Negation word
- Nat. whose royal anthem is "Kongesangen"
- Man-beast link
- Major Eur. oil producer
- Lost in the Trees "Neither Here ___ There"
- Lillehammer's land: Abbr.
- Land where Bondevik is PM
- It goes with neither
- Hide --- hair
- Head-tail connection
- Exclusionary link
- Exclusionary connector
- Easter's start?
- Easter's beginning?
- Easter start?
- Easter start
- Easter predecessor
- Easter might follow it
- Easter lead-in?
- Easter follows it
- Easter attachment?
- Den. neighbor
- Counterpart of "neither"
- Conjunction paired with "neither"
- Chooser's word
- Chooser's rejection
- Boolean logic gate
- 1994 Olympics host: Abbr.
- "We can neither confirm ___ deny ..."
- "The world will little note, __ long remember, what we say here": Lincoln
- "That's neither here __ there"
- "Neither" mate
- "Neither" complement
- "Neither rain, ___ sleet . . ."
- "Neither rain ___ sleet ..."
- "Neither here ___ there"
- "Neither a borrower ___ a . . ."
- "Neither a borrower ___ . . ."
- "Easter" lead-in
- "...heat ___ gloom of night..."
- "... tears __ prayers shall purchase out abuses": Shakespeare
- "... neither fish ___ fowl!"
- "... heat, ___ gloom of night ..."
- "... ___ should I"
- "... ___ do I"
- "... ___ any drop to drink": Coleridge
- ". . . snow, ___ rain . . ."
- ". . . rain ___ sleet . . ."
- ". . . neither fish ___ fowl"
- ". . . fish ___ fowl"
- ". . . a borrower ___ a lender be"
- ". . . ___ gloom of night"
- "___ M," Christie novel
- "__ will it be finished in the first one thousand days . . .": JFK
- "__ gloom of night ..."
- " . . . ___ a drop to drink"
- ''... ___ iron bars a cage''
- ''. . . neither the time ___ the place''
- ''___ gloom of night . . .''
- '... -- iron bars a cage'
- '-- any drop to drink'
- --'wester (storm type)
- --'wester
- ____ Tel
- Word with easter or wester
- Word usually paired with "neither"
- Word typically paired with "neither"
- Word that's usually paired with "neither"
- Word that often accompanies "neither"
- Word teamed with "neither"
- Word seen near "neither"
- Word repeated in the postal creed
- Word repeated in Shelley's line "___ happiness, ___ majesty, ___ fame"
- Word partnered with neither
- Word partnered with "neither"
- Word often used with "neither"
- Word incorrectly paired with "either"
- Word in the Postal Creed
- Word in Boolean logic
- Word found three times in the unofficial U.S. Postal Service motto
- Word between fish and fowl
- Word between "here" and "there"
- Word between "confirm" and "deny"
- Word before rain, heat and gloom
- Word before "rain," "heat" and "gloom of night" in a postal creed
- Word before "happiness," "majesty" and "fame" at the start of a Shelley poem
- Winter Olympics powerhouse (Abbr.)
- Winner of the most medals at the 2018 Winter Olympics: Abbr.
- Where the Lofoten Isl. are
- Where many Sami live: Abbr.
- Where Bergen is: Abbr.
- What the word "colonel" has?
- What "colonel" has?
- Volbeat "Heaven ___ Hell"
- Usually partnered conjunction
- Type of logic gate
- Trondheim nat.
- Trondheim loc.
- Third word of P.O. motto
- The Storting nat.
- Swed.'s neighbor
- Swe. abutter
- Stavanger's nat.
- Start to easter?
- Start of a way?
- Somewhat common conjunction
- Skagerrak country: Abbr.
- Separating word
- Scandinavian: Abbr.
- Scand. country that borders Russia
- Russ. neighbor
- Repeated word in a Herodotus quote
- Rejection word, sometimes
- Ray Charles hit "Hide ___ Hair"
- Rauma Riv. locale
- Rain-sleet connector
- Prefix with epinephrine
- Postman's creed conjunction
- Postal Service creed word
- Place name lead-in to -folk or -wich
- Paired conjunction
- Oslo's land (Abbr.)
- Oslo's country (Abbr.)
- Oslo loc.
- Opposite of sou'
- Opposite of sou.
- Opposite of So.
- Opposite of "and"
- Operator represented by a downward arrow in symbolic logic
- One of three in a postal creed
- Often-partnered conjunction
- Neither/__
- Neither's sidekick
- Neither's sentence partner
- Neither's relative
- Neither's mate.
- Neither's kin
- Neither's correlative
- Neither's conjunction
- Neither's chaser
- Neither's buddy
- Neither trailer
- Neither mate?
- Neither hide -- hair
- Neither hide __ hair
- Neither here ____ there
- Neither fish ... fowl
- Neither fish -- fowl
- Neither correlative
- Neither conjunction
- Neither concomitant
- Neither complement
- Neither black ____white
- Negative paired with "neither"
- Negative operation in computing logic
- Negative conjunction.
- Negating conjunction [LAST WEEK: The hidden products were: Levi's, Glade, Total, Aleve, Comet, Crest, Advil, Lysol, Certs, Nestea and Cialis.]
- Near neighbor of neither
- Nat. with the second-most medals at the Sochi Olympics
- Nat. with the most medals in Pyeongchang
- Nat. whose legislature is the Storting
- Munch kin land, briefly
- Mailman's oath word
- Magnus Carlsen's nat.
- Logical conjunction
- Logic gate that returns true if both inputs are false
- Link with "neither"
- Link on the negative side
- Lillehammer's country: Abbr.
- Largest oil-producing nat. outside of the Middle East, per capita
- Land west of Swe.
- Land north of Den.
- Krone nat.
- King Harald's land: Abbr.
- King Harald's land (Abbr.)
- Its natl. anthem is "Ja, vi elsker dette landet"
- Its easternmost point borders Rus.
- It's with neither
- It's north of Den.
- It pairs with "neither"
- It often follows neither
- It might connect here and there
- It may be found between "here" and "there"
- It comes between a borrower and a lender
- It can be between here and there?
- IOC country two before NZL, alphabetically
- Ibsen's homeland: Abbr.
- Home of the world's longest road tunnel (15 miles): Abbr.
- Hide-hair separator
- Hide-hair bridge
- Here/there separator
- Here-there linkup
- Here-there in-between
- Here-there go-between
- Here / there separator
- Here / there link
- Here - there connector
- Hammerfest's locale: Abbr.
- Grieg's birthplace: abbr.
- Grammatical partner of "neither"
- Gate that turns a double negative into a positive
- For love __ money
- Fjord land: Abbr.
- Fish/fowl connector
- Fish-fowl nexus
- Fish-foul link
- Fiord's locale: Abbr.
- Eur. monarchy
- Either : Or :: Neither : ___
- Easter starter?
- Easter predecessor?
- Easter or wester preceder
- Easter can follow it?
- Dry Kill Logic "Neither Here ___ Missed"
- Country with fjords: Abbr.
- Country whose capital is Oslo: Abbr.
- Country that's partially in the Arctic: Abbr.
- Country that uses the krone: Abbr.
- Country that has lost its way?: Abbr.
- Country partly in the Arctic Circle: Abbr.
- Country partially within the Arctic Circle: Abbr.
- Country on the Arctic Circle: Abbr.
- Correlative partner of "neither"
- Contrary conjunction
- Conjunctive
- Conjunction used with "neither"
- Conjunction used in conjunction with "neither"
- Conjunction that's usually part of a pair
- Conjunction that usually has a partner
- Conjunction that reverses to a man's name
- Conjunction often used with "neither"
- Conjunction in the Postal Service creed
- Conjunction in the Postal Service "motto"
- Confirm-deny separator
- Companion of neither
- Common logic gate
- Common conjunctive
- Clause link
- Christie's "___ M"
- Christie's "___ M?"
- Certain correlative
- Certain conjunction
- Casper Ruud's nat.
- Brian May "The Gov'___"
- Both : and :: neither : ___
- Boolean logic word
- Billy Bragg: "Rule ___ Reason"
- Bergen's locale: Abbr.
- Bergen's home: Abbr.
- And not.
- And not either
- And never
- And also not
- Alternative conjunction
- Agatha Christie's "___ M?"
- Additionally not
- A kind of "easter"
- A connective
- A conjunction
- 1994 Olympics locale: Abbr.
- 1952 and 1994 Olympics locale: Abbr.
- “Neither snow ________ rain..."
- "Thinks what ne'er was, __ is": Pope
- "Thinks what ne'er was, __ is. . .": Pope
- "The world will little note, ___ long remember what we say here": Abraham Lincoln
- "The universe seems neither benign ___ hostile, merely indifferent": Carl Sagan
- "Postman's Creed" word
- "Not marble, ___ the gilded monuments / Of princes ...": Shak.
- "Not by might, ___ by power, but by my spirit": Zechariah 4:6
- "None shall slumber ___ sleep": Isaiah 5:27
- "Neither" compatriot
- "Neither" companion
- "Neither wind ___ rain ..."
- "Neither snow, ___ rain ..."
- "Neither snow, ___ rain . . . "
- "Neither snow, __ rain ..."
- "Neither snow, __ rain . . ."
- "Neither rain, ___ sleet ..."
- "Neither Five ___ Three" (Helen MacInnes novel)
- "Neither a borrower, ___..."
- "Neither a borrower, __ ..."
- "Neither a borrower ___ a lender be" ("Hamlet")
- "Neither a borrower ___ . . . ": Shak.
- "It's neither here ___ there"
- "In modern war, there is nothing sweet ___ fitting in your dying": Hemingway
- "I never spoke with God, ___visited in heaven": Emily Dickinson
- "I never spoke with God, ___ visited in heaven": Emily Dickinson
- "I can neither confirm ___ deny . . ."
- "Fear not, --- be dismayed" (II Chronicles)
- "Fear not, ___ be dismayed": II Chronicles
- "A cat in distress, nothing more, ___ less": Shelley
- "A borrower" / "a lender" link
- "...rain ___ sleet..."
- " ___ fowl"
- "...--- a lender be"
- "...____ any drop to drink": Coleridge
- "...___ gloom of night"
- "...___ gloom of night ..."
- "...__ gloom of night"
- "... time ___ the place"
- "... snow, ___ rain ..."
- "... snow, __ rain ..."
- "... snow ___ rain..."
- "... hide ___ hair"
- "... heat, ___ gloom of ..."
- "... heat, __ gloom of night ..."
- "... confirm ___ deny ..."
- "... a borrower __ a lender ...": "Hamlet"
- "... --- a lender be"
- "... ___ iron bars a cage": Richard Lovelace
- "... ___ iron bars a cage"
- "... ___ gloom of night" (postal motto)
- "... ___ any drop to drink" (Coleridge)
- "... __ a lender be"
- ". . . the time __ the place"
- ". . . heat, __ gloom of night . . ."
- ". . . ___ any drop to drink"
- ". . . __ the battle to the strong": Ecclesiastes
- ". . . __ the battle to the strong"
- ". . . __ gloom of night . . ."
- "___ this is not my nose neither": "Twelfth Night"
- "___ the soles of her shoe?": Hamlet
- "___ let the beetle, ___ the death-moth be / Your mournful Psyche": Keats
- "___ iron bars a cage": Lovelace
- "___ gloom of night..."
- "___ gloom of night . . . "
- "___ do I" (phrase of agreement)
- "___ do I" ("Me neither")
- "___ do I" ("I don't either")
- "___ did you nothing hear?": Hamlet
- "___ any drop to drink" (Coleridge)
- "___ any drop . . . "
- "___ a drop to drink"
- "__ would I be a Poet": Dickinson
- "__ will I"
- "__ M?" (Christie novel)
- "__ iron bars a cage"
- " ...heat, ___ gloom of night ... "
- " . . . ___ gloom of night . . . "
- " . . . ___ a lender be"
- 'That's neither here -- there'
- 'easter starter
- ''Conjunction Junction'' word
- ''... borrower ___ a lender be''
- ''... ___ gloom of night ...''
- ''. . . see hide ___ hair of''
- ''. . . __ a lender be''
- '... borrower -- a lender be'
- '... -- gloom of night ...'
- '... -- a lender be'
- '-- iron bars a cage'
- …and not
- ... ___ blame the writings, but the men: Pope
- . . . hide ___ hair
- --'easter (storm type)
- --'easter
- ___'easter (strong wind)
- ___'easter (storm affecting NYC)
- ________ 'easter
Likely related crossword puzzle answers
Recent usage in crossword puzzles:
- Newsday - March 19, 2025
- Universal Crossword - March 10, 2025
- LA Times - March 7, 2025
- WSJ Daily - March 3, 2025
- Newsday - Feb. 27, 2025
- USA Today - Feb. 26, 2025
- Universal Crossword - Feb. 26, 2025
- LA Times - Feb. 26, 2025
- The Guardian Quick - Feb. 22, 2025
- Penny Dell - Feb. 17, 2025
- Newsday - Feb. 15, 2025
- USA Today - Feb. 13, 2025
- Penny Dell - Feb. 12, 2025
- LA Times - Feb. 10, 2025
- Penny Dell - Feb. 8, 2025
- Evening Standard - Feb. 5, 2025
- LA Times - Jan. 18, 2025
- WSJ Daily - Jan. 6, 2025
- Evening Standard - Dec. 25, 2024
- Newsday - Dec. 21, 2024