Clue: E. M. Forster novel
E. M. Forster novel is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 5 times. There are related clues (shown below).
Referring crossword puzzle answers
Likely related crossword puzzle clues
- E.M. Forster novel
- Forster novel
- Lean-directed film
- EM Forster novel
- "___ is what you'd book on the top floor of some high-rise hotel"
- 1924 novel whose 1995 book club edition had elephants on the cover
- Two-Oscar winner for 1984
- 1984 film based on the 1924 novel
- Liquid asset for E.M. Forster fans
- ... "driving east from Pakistan"?
Recent usage in crossword puzzles:
- New York Times - May 6, 2013
- New York Times - Feb. 26, 2007
- New York Times - April 29, 1998
- New York Times - Sept. 16, 1990
- New York Times - Oct. 1, 1985