Search Results
- Pivotal
- Pivotal chapter
- Pivotal Mediterranean port in WWII
- Pivotal times
- Pivotal port in W.W. II
- Pivotal periods
- Pivotal temperature
- Pivotal graph lines
- Pivotal areas
- Pivotal graph line
- Pivotal point, perhaps
- Pivotal WWII event
- Pivotal World War II offensive: Hyph.
- Pivotal player
- Pivotal juncture
- Pivotal pipes for Sunday worship?
- Pivotal court moment
- Pivotal place
- Pivotal points
- Pivotal WWII time
Not what you were looking for?
Try putting in what you know for the answer, if you don't
know any of its letters, simply entering question marks for each box will help narrow your results.
For example, if your answer is four letters long and starts with a B, enter B???
inside the answer search box
in addition to the clue.
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How to search Crossword Tracker efficiently
Imagine your clue is "Healing balm" and its answer is 4 letters long. You know the last two letters are OE
To search properly, type ??OE
in the answer box. The question marks serve
as placeholders for letters that you don't know. If you hit submit, you'll see ALOE
the top hit when the search returns.
Since there are a lot of four letter answers that end in OE
, etc),
you'll almost always want to provide some of the clue. While still typing ??OE
in the answer box,
try providing a keyword from the clue (say, "balm") into the clue box. This time you end up directly on
the answer's page.
You can enter the exact clue, but a keyword or two usually provides better results.
More examples and tips are available on the help page.