Clue: Broadcasts a 1937 Cary Grant film?
Broadcasts a 1937 Cary Grant film? is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 1 time. There are related clues (shown below).
Referring crossword puzzle answers
Likely related crossword puzzle clues
- Dazzling performance
- Dazzling performer
- Arresting performance
- "Defying Gravity," in "Wicked" (... first 4 letters + last 2)
- Dazzling Broadway performance
- Broadway number that brings the house down
- Musical song generating extended applause
- Dazzling theater performance, and what the answer to each starred clue literally has
- Spectacular performance
- Impressive performance that gets massive applause
Recent usage in crossword puzzles:
- LA Times - Feb. 16, 2007