Clue: E. Berlin's Cold War home
E. Berlin's Cold War home is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 2 times. There are related clues (shown below).
Referring crossword puzzle answers
Likely related crossword puzzle clues
- East Berlin was its cap.
- E. Berlin's land
- Letters next to Katarina Witt's name at the 1984 and 1988 Olympics
- Its cap. was E. Berlin
- Old Berlin inits.
- Its cap. was East Berlin
- Warsaw Pact member, initially
- East Germany, for short
- East Berlin's land, initially
- Frankfurters used to be served by its leaders: Abbr.
Recent usage in crossword puzzles:
- LA Times Sunday Calendar - Oct. 13, 2013
- LA Times - Oct. 13, 2013