Clue: Pianist known for his candelabra
Pianist known for his candelabra is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 1 time. There are related clues (shown below).
Referring crossword puzzle answers
Likely related crossword puzzle clues
- Famed pianist
- Entertainer nicknamed Mr. Showmanship
- Showbiz's "Mr. Showmanship"
- Owner of the vanity plate "88 KEYS"
- Entertainer born in May 1919, the basis for five anagrams in this puzzle
- Ring-wearing pianist
- Pianist with a trademark candelabrum
- "The Kandelabra Kid"
- Entertainer whose given names were Wladziu Valentino
Recent usage in crossword puzzles:
- Universal Crossword - Dec. 20, 2019