Crossword Tracker Help

Crossword Tracker can be a powerful tool to help you with crossword puzzles, but to get the most out of it you need to know a few things. If you just want help with crossword puzzles in general, take a look at our crossword tips page.

Supplying part of the answer improves your search results

Before you say "But I don't know any of the answer!", take a second to learn how Crossword Tracker works. When performing a search you can enter question marks for letters you don't know of an answer. If you don't know any of an 8 letter answer it seems quite silly to enter in 8 question marks, but that little bit of information lets Crossword Tracker know regardless of anything you are only interested in answers with 8 letters. There are over 150,000 answers in the database, but under 20,000 have exactly 8 letters. Without knowing a single letter you have greatly narrowed down the choices.

Our search engine will also begin to return answers if you supply what you know of the answer. If you only supply the clue you'll see results for matches based on the clue.

Sometimes supplying the full clue can hurt you

If Crossword Tracker hasn't come across the same puzzle you're working on, odds are that your search results will be better if you only include keyword(s) and no the full text of the clue. Search engines are primarily keyword based, so if you provide the important keyword in the clue that should be good enough.

Example: For the clue "Go off like a volcano" try supplying just "volcano" as the clue and make sure to include what you know of the answer (even if it's all question marks).

Crossword Tracker doesn't process self-referential clues

Since Crossword Tracker aims to be a general crossword solving and research tool, the database has been filtered to not include crossword answers and clues that refer to each other. These clues don't make sense outside of the context of the original puzzle and would lower the results quality for everyone else not doing that specific puzzle. So if you're stuck on a clue like "With 52-Across" it's up to you (or just search Crossword Tracker for the answers that cross with it).